三度折桂!曲江 玫瑰园斩获2024年中(zhōng)國(guó)土木(mù)工(gōng)程詹天佑奖
2024-10-25在不断更迭的时间長(cháng)河里,唯有(yǒu)以始為(wèi)终的时代作(zuò)品,才能(néng)穿越周期,赢得时间的嘉许。more >> -
以精(jīng)微 致西安(ān)丨万众六子“磐石品鉴季”金秋盛启
2024-10-12管理(lǐ)學(xué)大师彼得德(dé)鲁克曾这样定义企业价值:企业是社会的器官,企业正常运作(zuò),健全健康,社会就能(néng)变得更好。在西安(ān),作(zuò)為(wèi)一家持续深耕16载的本土企业,万众对自己的使命、责任定义亦是如此。more >> -
2024-09-07more >> -
1st Anniversary | SONG CASA 焕新(xīn)重启
2024-07-062024倾泻未知发生与即将发生more >> -
恭贺雁栖 玫瑰园 园區(qū)标识导示荣获iF奖
2024-04-05恭贺雁栖 玫瑰园 园區(qū)标识导示荣获iF奖more >> -
百年為(wèi)基 向心而行丨万众集团董事長(cháng)2024新(xīn)春寄语
2024-02-09百年為(wèi)基 向心而行丨万众集团董事長(cháng)2024新(xīn)春寄语more >> -
亲爱的 热爱的 | 让我们一起 拥抱无限热爱
2024-02-04亲爱的 热爱的 | 让我们一起 拥抱无限热爱more >> -
2024-01-19万众心意·新(xīn)春有(yǒu)礼丨為(wèi)2024带来无尽欢喜more >> -
VANZHONG丨万众2023回望:以众心 行致遠(yuǎn)
2023-12-31不负往昔 躬耕不辍more >> -
恭贺曲江 玫瑰园荣膺陕西省首个詹天佑奖优秀住宅小(xiǎo)區(qū)金奖&鲁班奖双奖!
2023-10-26more >> -
2023-07-05VANZHONG丨2023西安(ān)高品质(zhì)酒店(diàn)行业交流会精(jīng)彩回顾more >> -
2023-07-04VANZHONG丨2023西安(ān)当代人文(wén)艺术交流周圆满举行more >> -
2023-05-23VANZHONG丨國(guó)内多(duō)位建筑行业专家齐聚万众,共论“百年建筑”未来more >> -
VANZHONG丨万松叠翠 启新(xīn)章
2023-03-31万松叠翠 启新(xīn)章more >> -
VANZHONG丨恭贺曲江 云松间1#、2#、3#楼 匠著封顶
2023-03-11淬炼时间 云端倾呈more >> -
初心如磐 奋楫笃行丨万众集团董事長(cháng)2023新(xīn)春致辞
2023-01-20跃进更好的2023more >> -
2023-01-15拾阶而上 吾心如初more >> -
2022-08-18more >>
VANZHONG丨世界如此浩瀚 愿以书打开梦想的窗
2022-06-02万众集团國(guó)际儿童节图书赠送活动 温暖落幕more >> -
SONG SPACE | 此刻 看见时间的力量
2022-05-27more >> -
2022-02-11他(tā)们跋涉770公(gōng)里 在曲江池畔种下万壑松风more >> -
2022-01-31从心而行 稳健深耕 | 万众集团董事長(cháng)2022新(xīn)春致辞more >>
VANZHONG | 2022同心同行 共赴岁月新(xīn)章
2022-01-02当太阳跃出地平線(xiàn),年轮再次赋予时间新(xīn)的开篇,这是万众集团与西安(ān)共前行的第十四年。more >> -
2021-12-17何為(wèi)匠心?是用(yòng)心做事,是细心打磨,是执心追求。more >> -
2021-09-27more >>
2021-09-04more >>
VANZHONG丨恭贺曲江 流光云谷项目一期顺利封顶
2021-06-292021年6月29日,万众集团曲江 流光云谷项目一期在共同期待下圆满封顶more >> -
VANZHONG丨Matsuma Qixin, first in Chang'an
2021-05-13恭贺長(cháng)安(ān) · 松间项目正式开工(gōng)more >> -
2021-01-05匠造未来 育仁心more >>
2021-01-01敬畏时光 踏浪前行more >>
2020-11-26more >>
2020-11-14more >>
VANZHONG | Qujiang DE Hong High School provincial Civilization site observation Meeting was successfully held
2020-10-31As a local enterprise deeply cultivating Qujiang for more than ten years, Wanzhong Group is deeply aware of the significance of education to the city. From Detai Qujiang International Kindergarten to Qujiang DE Hong Middle School, wanzhong Group has been working with the top international educational resources to build a high-quality campus with super-high building standards. Qujiang DE Hong middle school since September was voted in shaanxi province top ten sites, improving construction standards, recently, provincial and municipal district leaders, real estate and construction industry partners in the company of the relevant person in charge of all group will be to DE Hong middle school site for a week of view, the provincial civilized construction demonstration unit.more >> -
Liuguangyi Qujiang, new works by millions of qujiang
2020-05-15Construction of The Qujiang Luguang Yungu Project commencedmore >> -
| adds new color to K15 international education
2020-04-25"Education is the preparation for future life." ——Spencermore >> -
VANZHONG 2020 Zhongxin Zhiyuan, forge a new journey!
2020-01-09Live not only the past but also the futuremore >> -
A zen and Oriental encounter. | world architecture master kengo kuma and his delegation visit
2019-12-29Salute to the master and walk with the worldmore >>